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Ministry Announces Coordinated Livestock Vaccination


                                                                  Photo Courtesy

The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries has announced coordinated livestock vaccination exercise across all counties. This exercise aims to contain disease outbreaks following an increase in transmission of animal infections across county boundaries.

Speaking in Naivasha after meeting the agriculture CEC’s from the 47 counties and directors of veterinary services, livestock PS, Harry Kimtai said the joint exercise will be carried out by the national and county governments.  

The PS noted that the exercise was critical given the continued movements of livestock between counties. He however expressed his concern over funding the exercise saying that it was going to be a major challenge.

“The national government will soon stop funding vaccination exercise as this fall under the county government. It’s time that counties governments started making sufficient budget allocations for animal health in their respective counties.” The PS Said.

 Addressing the same gathering, the CAS in the agriculture ministry Lawrence Angolo Omuhaka said that they are keen to work with the counties in the exercise adding that poor animal health has adversely affected international livestock markets with countries like Kuwait effecting bans on animal products from Kenya.

 The chairman of the CEC’s agriculture committee Albert Mwaniki welcomed the coordinated exercise and emphasised the counties’ commitment to setting aside funds for such undertakings.

Well-coordinated vaccination exercise would help stop spread of diseases which occur as farmers moved their animals from one market to another and while looking for pasture.

In the past, such efforts have been hampered by high cost of vaccines, long distances to vaccination points, lack of information on vaccination campaigns and decision-making processes at the household level.

Veterinary workers were challenged to help design more effective community livestock vaccination programs that will appeal to farmers based on community interests.