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Smart Detection of Diseases in Bananas.


A team from the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) and Biodiversity International in Africa, has developed an app that scans bananas for five major diseases and one common pest that include Xanthomonas wilt, Fusarium wilt, and black leaf streak.

Going by the name Tumaini, The App has been tested in Congo and Uganda will be useful in early disease detection. The app will further link farmers to extension workers and upload data to a global system for large-scale monitoring and control.

A farmer can easily use this smartphone-based app by taking a photograph of the plant or the pest and clicking the ‘Scan’ button on the app. Once the system processes the image, it will depict the diseases in real-time. If the result return with a probability of a disease or pest, a farmer can access control measures by clicking on ‘Recommendations’.

The AI tool can detect five common diseases. It will save farmers millions of shillings lost in the management of banana diseases and boost control and mitigation efforts in production losses.